Chatter Box Cats

As humans, we are communicating through words and expressions used. But our friends cats do not have this ability and so instead, many other ways to communicate their message to us and other cats. Now it would be impossible for us to be able to translate a language from A to Z Cat, since is too complicated and subtle and not next to them with our alphabet. But with a little 'patience and observation we can also learn to understand and perhaps communicatewith them.

Cat communication range of vocal sounds, smell, body posture and tactile contact, and all use these methods to communicate with each other. But they also learned that with a little 'patience you can in turn teach us also to understand their importance to us and exactly what they want.

Made it possible to vary the sounds of individual cats, but you can, every sound communication and behavior of a general meaning, which gives us a baseunderstanding of their language.

There are seven basic cat sounds with his own way even if the sounds are and may vary slightly from cat to cat and be influenced by the situation, they basically mean the same thing and easier for us to categorize the way from there, rather than their sound. The seven basic sounds / meanings are:



Attention seeking


Follow me



TheFear is a guttural howl and is designed to signal "I'm afraid of you, but do not come closer or I'll attack" to give. It can also spit and hiss, looks very aggressive, but combine this with their low body position, shows the fear. The hissing sound is assumed that a snake makes when it comes to attack and a sound that most animals have an innate fear of too similar if they have never seen a snake in his life.

The pain is a cry sounds very special,who once felt the blood cold. It is essentially a clay cat, designed to run on the mother cat, she needed their help. However, domestic cats, cats keep their vocabulary, to talk with us because they see humans as their surrogate mother. They then continue to use the language and kittens cry when the pain is in the hope that a man and save her.

The meow of a cat generally is designed to attract the attention ofMom cat or a human being. The message is: "I want". The cat owners are beginning to recognize their own cats meowing and able to associate them with certain things, like "I need food ',' I want to go", etc.

Caterwauling is the name most people associate with a cat during mating season. But the sound is actually used in situations of aggression. The sound varies in volume and timbre that aggression turns into a brawl and isdisplayed by male and female cats. The reason is associated with the mating season, because the smell of the female cat is a lot of male cats to get to the same area, which is something that does not look good, and so the noise of the the alarm off another hangover.

Add the cute chirping sound of a cat will be there, if you come and go, are frequently used as a greeting. He seems very friendly andis certainly our attention. But this noise will call their young by the mother cat, which must follow. So really, if the cat comes in, you say "follow me", usually in the kitchen.

Purring is one of the most famous sounds that we associate with our cats and is often used as a cat, which must be satisfied. In fact, this is a significance of this sound, but the sound is also displayed in the same cats. It is assumed thatthe sound of purring is a sign to say: "I am in a friendly atmosphere and are in peace", "ok", o. Can often greet each other between two cats and cats from her mother when they are young, suckling pig, that is, show them that everything is good to hear. Curiously, a cat in pain may also purr, this does not mean that I am happy, but it is a way for them to console.

The teeth chattering or clicking sound of a cat is often indicated when a cat Spies Bird or other prey. This is a sound rather unusual and serves no purpose other than to indicate that there is truly something like you see attack. The sound of jaws is performed the same action, if a cat bites its prey and then in a sense, imaging cat do this if it makes them seem more fun.

A cat's body language to communicate with each other and in fact is the main way cats in the wild conversation. Looking at ourCats> is the body language that we learn to understand their mood and imitating these attitudes can give the cat that you can tell them no harm. This is particularly useful when a new cat homing.

Eye contact is seen by a cat as a threatening action, which is why some cats react badly to people with glasses. So, not directly looking into their eyes they're saying that you are not a threat. Even if you try to deal with a nerve orFrightened cat, try to lower the body on the floor, this is also to show that you are not a threat.

The tail of a cat is also a good indicator of the mood. A cat that is happy to greet you hold the tail up, maybe with a slight curl at the top. While like a tail flicking from side to side is the sign of an angry cat, which may be straight in the face of attack, so let it go.

Through the study of our catsubtle body movements and vocal sounds, we begin to travel around the world cat. Maybe we can help you understand why they behave in a way that we as human beings are strange and unnecessary, which can ultimately lead to a stronger link between humans and cats due to be developed.

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