Why a cat rolling on his back when he sees you?

If you're in a room where a cat sleeps, lying on the floor to walk and greet him with a few friendly words, can by rolling on his back, legs extended, as far to go, yawning, putting his claws carefully and respond by turning the tip of the tail. Since the animal does these activities, will look at you, that determines your mood. This is the method of a cat has a passive, friendly and respond is something that only worksclose relatives. Not many cats would have a chance to greet such a person when a stranger enters the room, because exposure of the abdomen makes the animal extremely vulnerable position. So, this makes the core of his kindness. The cat is saying, in effect, show me on the roller, to prove to my stomach that I love you enough to accept this position most vulnerable to trust in your presence. "

A cat that was more active, it would be up and runningIt begins as a kind of friction friendly greeting, but a cat in a lazy, sleepy mood favors the demonstration belly roll. Yawning and stretching, which goes hand in hand with the cat it reflects drowsiness, sleepiness, they do so much and no longer interfere. The weak reflection of the tail indicates that you build a small element of conflict, a conflict between an extended stay and get up to greet the arrival.

It is not always safe to assume that a cat give them belly-up display is tilted to allow dead in its fund race. This option may be voluntary, but often an attempt to respond with a helping hand met a painting of a paw angry. The stomach area is protected by both the cat is uncomfortable to touch, except in situations where the cat and its owner has acquired a high degree of social closeness. However, most mediaCats> are wary of their most delicate parts and draw the line when they approach.

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