Color of a Maneki Neko - The Japanese Beckoning Cat
The aim of this article is to address some of the different colors that are used for Japanese beckoning cats. The cats themselves come in many different shapes and forms. Over the years a large variety of colors have emerged. Traditionally certain colors have different meaning in Japan. It can be speculated that the Maneki Nekos to some extent have the same meaning. However, some colors tend to have regional significance so one color in one place can mean a totally different thing as in another place. That being said here are some of the colors:
White/Calico: This is the classical and the most popular color, probably the one that is the most fortune-bringing one. The cat is white with dark spots with a brownish fringe that resemble the Japanese bobtail (mi-ke "three different colors of fur"). Apparently you can be extra lucky if you happen to stumble upon a male bobtail with such colors since it is very rare due to their genetic composure.
Plain white: The white beckoning cat is supposed to symbolise pureness and positive "good guy things". This is the second most popular color of Maneki Nekos. On a side note "Shi" has several meanings. Spelled with a different kanji it means "death". That is probably why it also has become associated with mourning.
Green: is the colour of health and academic triumph and studies. This used to be a rare colour but now these Maneki Nekos can be found everywhere as well. No wonder with the pressure to succeed in studies for the japanese. It is supposedly insanely hard to get in to the university in Tokyo. You probably need as many of the little green cats as you can afford then.
Black: The color black is used to ward of evil spirits. Cats of this color has been carried by some japanese women for protection against stalkers and thieves.
Gold: This is the color of wealth and fortune. If you have a piggy bank in the shape of a Maneki Neko, chances are that it is this color. Hopefully it is also full with money! But then maybe you have to break it. We wouldn't want that.
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