The gestation period for a cat
The gestation period of a cat is between 60 to 70 days. On average, tends to last for 9 weeks. Occurs during pregnancy, the cat several behavioral and physical changes. Normally you should find them less active during this period. Some of them tend to be aggressive to protect themselves.
Cat owners should be aware of what to expect during this time to understand what goes through your pet. During ' Gestation should ensure that cat owners give adequate attention, time and diet for normal delivery.
Just watching your pet, you can not determine how long you are pregnant. It 'also difficult to determine the exact date of delivery, because we could not know whether the cat should be exactly the pregnant. However, some behavioral changes show is unclear at what stage of pregnancy
Gestational changes in the female:
• FemaleCat> tends to vomit by her partner after she is pregnant. It 'also started wheezing when other cats come to her. Cat owners tend to think that their pet has to be very aggressive in this period, if they do not realize that she is pregnant.
• The cat eats more food, and expects to be fed frequent meals throughout the day. Sometimes you would be attracted to foods that have never eaten or have been, first to resist.
• The abdomentends to swell and become even more often, especially in the central part of his body.
• The nipples tend to be pink in color and are soft to the touch. They project that are prepared to deliver their young.
• Female cats groom themselves frequently and tend to sleep longer.
• Some cats vomit in the morning, as women have morning sickness if they are pregnant.
• The cat would try to seek more attention fromOwners often soft and melted. You can see it very often, they float around the legs of the owner or prefer to sleep on his knees on the ground.
• During the last phase of gestation begins, the cat is scouting for the corners or hidden areas, and is looking for a safe place to deliver the kittens. This is a clear indication that they have all the time.
• If your cat goes into the labor market, they would feel safe to remain completelyalone and that they would begin after the owner everywhere.
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