Cat Eye disorders
Eye tumors
Seventy percent of eye tumors in cats are malignant, aggressive form of cancer (in dogs, the ratio is reversed, 75 percent of tumors are benign and are not widespread or life-threatening). Iris melanoma is the most common type of cancer strikes' s cat's eyes. The older cats can see a brown or black spot on the iris of the eye. The iris is the colored part of the eye. The spots may be single or multiple cells and pigmentedcalled melanocytes, which are covered. The study involves using a slit lamp biomicroscope, which is cancer if the tumor is determined. When the area on the pigmented iris is flat, the lesion is called melanosis ins. This is considered pre-cancerous and is checked every six months.
Iris Melanoma / Glaucoma
Melanoma of the iris is also known as melanosis and / or melanocytoma. Iris melanoma is the term used when the area on the pigmented iris is raised.It is a cancerous lesion. The treatment involves the use of a diode laser to destroy cancer cells. Without treatment, due to melanoma of the iris is usually in glaucoma. Glaucoma occurs because the cancer cells spread and hinder the drainage angle of the eye, where the liquid in the eye is normally drains. Since the fluid does not drain from the eye, and is in the eye, which increases the pressure in the eye, causing glaucoma. In dogs, glaucoma causes blindness due soonirreversible damage to the retina.
The only sign of glaucoma in cats may be a slight difference in the size of the pupils, who are the central dark eye. Surgical removal of the eye that is when the enucleation is often in advanced cases of melanoma ins required. This relieves the pain of glaucoma and removed the tumor.
Retinal degeneration
Retinal degeneration is a hereditary disease in the Abyssinian cat. It occurs in five 56Years and results in blindness. A dietary deficiency of taurine amino acids can also be fed dog food to cats that come in retinal degeneration nutritional outcomes. This condition was first described in 1975 and was called feline central retinal degeneration (FCRD). Cats are now fortified with taurine business to avoid this problem.
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