Cat Diseases - Feline Leukemia

Just like humans, can suffer from health problems fatal to cats. One of the most common and deadly cat diseases is feline leukemia.

It is often thought that leukemia is a cancer, but in reality it can cause a highly contagious virus, cancer. In fact, FeLV is a retrovirus known as, and as a cat disease, can only refer to cats and can not be transmitted to humans or dogs.

FeLV is estimated that 1-2 percent of infectionsof normal, healthy cats. Cats that are regularly out far more at risk of cats that are kept inside and men often infected than females and young animals even more.

This disease is often transmitted in the saliva of the cat, the local food and water, nose to nose greetings and bites. Other forms of transmission are divided as cat urine and toilet stool can be a risk. There are additional risks for a pregnant cat Transmit the disease to their offspring.

When a cat infected with FeLV, the virus is in the blood 2-4 weeks later demonstrated. However, infected cats show no symptoms, if this is the case, possibly lymph nodes, fever, lethargy, diarrhea and bloating.

Some cats do not develop the infection because the load was low, while others develop an infection that is latent in other words, is suppressed byImmune System Cat> and usually not contagious. Still others will be permanently infected with FeLV and carry and transmit the virus. These cats are almost certain to develop other cat diseases within a few years, and this could lead to immune deficiency and other related infections, anemia, enlarged lymph nodes or platelet disorders or cancer. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg and there are probably many other phenomena.

Sinceshould vaccines against feline leukemia and cat owners have their cats vaccinated each year. However, these vaccines are not one hundred percent effective, so the animals that walk, and to share a house cat should be tested for this disease.

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