Cat urine odor - 3 steps to remove cat urine odor work

Remove the smell of cat urine can sometimes seem impossible, especially if your cat at some point, hard to find or reach is urinating. Here are three steps to remove the smell of cat urine in a safe and effective.

1 Find the place.

This can be a challenge when your cat urinated while you were gone and the stain has had time to dry, and it is difficult to see. Use a black light, where the affected area. A black light is betterif it is relatively dark, so that the urine stains glow brightly when the light shines on them.

Neutralize the area 2.

There are thousands of products, homemade recipes and formulas for special claim success with the removal of cat urine. Choose a product that is safe for your cat (and you), and interruptions, and thus neutralizes the urine as a another perfume to cover the smell of urine.

3 Use an air-Air filter designed to remove the smell of cat urine.

Realize that you can with a cat in the family mistakes will always happen, and although the neutralization point and find, upon completing the process of the house still smells like cat urine. If the space from another owner, cats had inherited just before removing the wooden floor and carpet finishing, can be places you will never find, but it will stop the smell. An air filter, the filterdeveloped in order to remove cat odor, an economical solution to keep at home smells fresh, if and when your cat makes his mistake.

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