Your cat scratching a lot?

You see your cat scratching could be an indication of fleas, ticks, grass seeds or skin disease. With my two cats, can also be taken into grass or similar seeds in the fur. During the summer months, Tikki and Cassie will come as I work every day and rub me as an indication that they want, seeds removed from their tails or body. This action is quite different if they just want attention or to tell me that it's time to closure the day.

If your cat is bad luck to have a seed of grass in his eyes, which lead directly to the veterinarian. This is not something that you deal with yourself.

Fleas can be picked up by a little 'everywhere. Another cat or a dog would be the fourth most likely culprit. If you find that your cat has a flea problem, check with your local pet store, if there is a natural treatment. You do not want to put chemicals on your right> Cat skin through a chemical flea collar or cream. These treatments can your cat is very sick, and if you have a child who regularly have pets the cat, the chemicals can be easily transferred to the baby's skin or mouth.

If your cat has a problem with fleas, wash all the bedding you will use your cat in hot water as possible. Emptiness of the house (preferably twice), and uses all the cat furniture. Spray the plants with a natural outdoorsInsect repellent and pipe down.

You may need to repeat the instructions above for a couple of weeks to ensure that the cycle was broken.

Your cat with fleas is one of the smaller joys of ownership of a cat. Proper cat care in removing these parasites is not difficult and is really only part that your cats' health is optimal at any time.

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