Goddess Names

Throughout the ages there have been many different Goddess Names. To this day most of these Goddesses are still being honored by many people.  Both for religious purposes and for personal reasons.  Some of these names have origins from Greek, Celtic, Egyptian and many other regions and times.

Below I've put together a list of some of the ones that I know about, as well as the purpose that these Goddesses represent.

Aphrodite: Love

Aradia: Teacher of the Witches

Arianrhod: Reincarnation

Artemis: Goddess of the Moon

Astarte: Fertility Goddess

Athena: Warriors

Bast: Cats

Brigid/Brid/Brigit: Goddess of Fertility and Inspiration

Cerridwen: The Moon and of the Harvest

Cybele: Goddess for natural caverns

Demeter: Goddess of the fruitfulness of the Earth

Diana: Goddess of the hunt

Dryads: Female spirits of the trees

Flora: Goddess of Springtime

Fortuna: Fate

Freya: Moon

Hathor: Sky and Protector of Women

Hecate: Moon

Hera: Marriage

Hestia: Goddess of Hearth and the Home

Inanna: Queen of the Heavens

Isis: The triple Goddess (Maid, Mother and Crone)

Kali: Goddess of Destruction and Creation

Ma'at/Mayet: Justice, including the Truth and the Law

Morhan: Guardian Water and Magick

Muses:  Inspiration and Memory

Nephthys: Guardian of the Midwives

Norns: Guardians of the Sacred Tree Yggdrasil

Nut: Goddesss of Sky

Persephone: Protector of the Underworld

Selene: Moon

Valkyries: Women warriors who brought the souls of those slain in Valhala

Venus: Love

Vesta: Fire

Note that these are just a few of the goddess names that you are likely to come across.

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