Cat Urination Problem - A Guide to Your Cat's Urinary Health

A cat urination problem can be the symptom of a medical issue. In this article, we'll take a look at the different reasons your kitty might be having trouble urinating and what you can do to help relieve suffering, pain and avoid recurring problems in the future.

Cat Urinating Problems

If your cat has difficulty urinating, your pet may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is the most common cause of urinary difficulties in cats. Some of the signs to look for are pain or strain during urination, bad-smelling urine, blood in the urine and/or urinating outside the litter box.

Another cat urination problem is feline urinary tract disease (FLUTD). Signs of this disease are frequent urination, excessive licking of the genital area, loss of appetite, lack of energy and urination outside the litter box.

Another possibility is that your cat might have a tumor. Although you may be concerned about what the prognosis will be, don't hesitate: take your cat to the vet.

What To Do for Cat Urinating Problems

Since urination releases stored toxins from the bladder, any problem with the urinary tract can be serious. The best way for you to detect a problem is to know your cat's normal litter box routine and compare this to the recent change in habits. Make sure to tell your observations to your vet who will use this information along with the results from blood and urine tests to diagnose the problem.

After determining the severity of the problem, your vet will recommend a course of action that might include antibiotics, a special diet or even surgery (in the case of a FLUTD).

Preventing Cat Urinating Problems from Recurring

Urinary difficulties can be painful for your cat and emotionally traumatic and expensive for you. Here is what you can do on a daily basis to prevent them:

Give your cat fresh, clean water daily

Clean your cat's litter box frequently. If you have more than one cat, make sure each cat has its own box. A cat may not want to urinate in a box that has been marked by another cat.

Give your cat a daily supplement to support bladder health and keep the bladder system clean and infection-free.

Many happy pet owners are discovering that by focusing on prevention, they can minimize and even completely eliminate a recurring cat urination problem. Although you may not be happy about giving your cat a daily supplement, the one I use is made of granules that dissolve as soon as they make contact with the saliva. This makes taking care of my kitty a pleasure, rather than a hassle.

Preventative care can help your kitty side-step a common health issue and live a longer and happier life. Prevention is key for humans and should be for animals too. As always, before giving your cat a supplement, take care to do your research to ensure that you're giving your feline friend the very best.

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