Tips to Make Your Cat Comfortable

If you have got a new kitty then it is important that you make it comfortable. Here are a few things that you can do to make your cat comfortable:

a) Before you get a new cat it is important that you understand your responsibility towards your new pet. If you already have a few cats at home, you must ask yourself whether you will be able to give your new feline friend the attention it deserves. Also, make sure you have the finances to meet an expenditure that can pop up unexpectedly.

b) People, who have cats in their home, must give the new cat a separate room for a few days. This will give your new pet time to adjust to its surroundings. Also, give some time to older cats to recognize their new friend.

c) Make sure the surroundings of the new room are comfortable. Make sure you have a clean litter box, toys, water and clean food that your new feline friend can eat. Make it a point to visit the new pet as often as you can and let it known that you want be its friend. Try to make the cat come out of the room and explore the surroundings. Also, invite the other cats to meet the new pet so that they get to know their new friend.

d) If your old cat fights with the new pet, don't get agitated. Most cats want to protect their territory and may do so for a couple of days. If you find that other cats are not willing to allow the new cat enter their territory, it is best that you keep your new friend isolated for a few more days. It the problem persist, try to find a safer environment for the cat.

e) If you have brought the new cat for your child then make sure you give your child a few safety tips before you let them play with the new pet. If your cat has the habit of nipping then let your cat get used to the kids before they can pick up the cat.

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