Tips For Taming Aggressive Cat Behaviour
Aggression in cats is normal; they can be just as destructive as dogs. However as a cat bite will do less damage than a dog bite, we don't normally associate aggressive behaviour with cats. Indeed, a cat that is aggressive towards you, your family or other pets is not natural and there is often an underlying cause. Normal cats will be loving and attentive towards you.
A cat's natural aggression shows itself in it's instinctive behaviour in mating and hunting, which is necessary for the survival of the species. Their relationship with humans restricts this natural tendency, turning it towards their humans, companions or even themselves. An aggressive cat can be re-trained but this does take time and patience - as with anything to do with animals there are no quick fix solutions.
You must first try and work the reason for your cat's aggression: has there been a change in the household such as a new baby, new pet or even change of furniture? Is there a new cat on the block? Even pain or discomfort can make a cat aggressive so ensure that they have no injuries or other hurts before embarking on any training. A change of home can make a cat feel insecure and it will manifest this in aggression.
There are a few quick tips for help with an aggressive cat:
As a 'naughty step' will work for a child, so a 'time out' room will stop an aggressive cat. If you remove them from the source of their aggression they will calm down.
A water spritz will work to stop them in mid attack
If this does not bother them you can use a can filled with pebbles or other loud noise maker to give them a shock out of their fun.
If a cat has latched onto your hand in aggressive play, keep your hand still, playing dead. Your cat will soon get bored and let go.
By nature male cats are more aggressive than females, so you may have to consider neutering - this also will help with straying, spraying and unwanted kittens.
An aggressive cat need not be an unwanted cat. With a little love, care and attention you can tame your tearaway lion into a gentle friend.
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