Tips for House Cat litter multiple solutions

Enjoy life more and worry less in Your Home Multiple Cat:
Millions of Americans recognize the opportunities associated with cats. Our cats are social friends, the suggestion to offer support and enrich our lives. In fact, according to the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association, 71 percent of all domestic cats living in U.S. homes. While several cats offers unlimited growth, but also requires special attention and commitment

Introductionnew pet:
the introduction of a new pet, first isolated in a separate room with her food, water, bedding, and toys. This allows each gradually adjust to the smells and sounds of other cats. After a veterinarian as healthy cats can occur for a limited interaction.

Continuation of the gradual introduction of adjustment by the exchange between cats and wiping with a damp cloth around the cat's mouth and leave the other room, or wipe with a clothalternately on each cat. when they begin to show curiosity about other things, rewarding good behavior with attention and praise. At this point, monitoring short, to begin direct interaction.

Let the cats together unsupervised:
Wait for a number of interactions were conducted without monitored aggressively. The process of introducing a new cat may take several weeks. Older animals may need a quiet place away from cats for a prolonged period. Friendly,well-socialized cats can quickly adapt to one another.

Home Smelling Clean:
After several cats does not mean that odor problems for your home. Tidy Cats Scoop is specifically designed to neutralize odors in the house with the cats.

Reward good behavior:
Whether human or a cat that we all enjoy being recognized for good behavior. Give extra love and care to each of your cat is a well-deserved prize and the others are likely to emulate good behavior. Also be sure to pitso that cats do not feel threatened when they can and see what is around them.

Play Matchmaker:
Consider your personality, before introducing a new cat. Quieter, more withdrawn animals may prefer a mature adult cat as a companion.
Be patient, they like to have stability, social or environmental change can have a significant effect on their behavior. They will adapt, but it may take some time, so supportive and patient.

If yourCats have personality conflicts, reducing the tension between the cats of the family, doing all that they have enough personal space and personal property to fulfill their needs. We are excited or stressed cat to relax in tranquil surroundings.

Avoid conflicts Territory:
Consider boxes at various locations throughout the house to avoid throwing the exclusion zone between them.

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