Bast the Beloved Protector of Cats

She is the protector of cats, women and children. The ancient Egyptians celebrated her name day, Oct. 31 to party with the social partners, music and dancing in the streets and drinking with friends - the kind of trip that would have immediately recognized.

A big party than a week has been moved to the holy city Bubastis of believers from all over the country to celebrate the river and through the city streets. Herodotus tells the crowd swelling to 700,000. Unfortunately, Bast andto see their memorial in the world today, but you could probably say that Halloween was originally celebrated as the festival of Bast was

It holds the secrets of the cat is in their power - the animals with a strong magnetic power to fascinate or repel. Let's face it, we all admit that either you love cats or can not bear the sight of them. Historically, Egypt was the archetype Cat Power first, where he was regarded as a sacred animal to be gifted. For theBast cat is identified with the cat and is recognized for his performance as a woman with the head of a. When a cat curls up with his head touching the tail, forming a circle, a symbol of eternity, the symbol of the Goddess, whatever form they have chosen

Bast is the goddess of the rising sun, the moon, truth, enlightenment, sensuality, fertility, goodness, birth, very, home, music and dance. She was the beloved goddess and protector of women, smallChildren and domestic cats.

Bast was the owner of the Eye of Horus, the sacred utchat. Over time was associated with more utchat cats and often was shaped like a cat. Egyptian women used these cat amulets as a sign of fertility, pray, have as many children as there are cats kittens

Our modern name for utchat are derived from the word cat: cat, chat, Hattush, gatus, gatous, Gato, Katt, Katt, cement, kitty, etc. A variant of his namewas Pashtu, and from that we get the remaining Indo-European words for the cat Pashto, past, pushd, Puszta and the Cat

The Wildcats had previously lived in Egypt, swamps and marshes along the Nile. Over time, and the people began to cereals and other foods to grow and keep it for a long time, rodents and other pests began to flourish. The wild cats and the greed was rewarded for his wild nature, quality are used to maintain control rocent Population below,Qualities that he shared with the lion. What a blessing to the Egyptians of the Wildcat!

The cats that we know today are all descendants of sylvesteris felix, the wild cat of Africa and a friend of the Egyptian peasants. And so began the long domestication. As the cat was identified with Bast, so that's it gained tremendous popularity since 1000 BC. feline hunting instincts have been honored, but so was the cat's softer side as a mother warm and lovingher cubs.

The ancient Egyptians must have appreciated the beauty of wild creatures, they took the frightening aspects of animals and turned into fierce economic protection. Their gods had animal characteristics, such as the precision of the hawk and the strength of the bulls. Thus, we see Bast in grace and elegance of a cat, agility, strength, speed and deadly claws. He received his charm, patience and loving nature of a domestic cat, andthe potential for brute force brute of a lioness.

It also has the gift, like all cats, from the search deep in your soul.

And it is easy to see why Bast associated with pleasure, music and dance for thousands of years. Just think of your own comfort seeking cat who loves to be cuddled and caressed. Cats love to play, with its graceful movements and purring like musical accompaniment, enjoying the coordination of movement.

Today the ruins of the city joyfully markBubastis, the once proud temple that is not fallen blocks. But bear the name of Bast. For at least 5000 years ago there were many who praised his name. Many still do.

Take time to honor the Egyptian goddess. Light a candle green, and holy love have a cat, his beloved pet. If the address of a cat, remember to talk to God a bit ', and liked to be one of the Bast.

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