The Saltbox Style

In colonial times, there are different types of house made of wood, such as colonial, Cape Cod style Saltbox style, etc. Each type of properties have led the project at home that have been a different one to another, but these three popular types of home . Either one of the wooden house wooden house Saltbox is so popular that by the end of the 17th century become.

Saltbox came from its form, similar to the shape of the container was sold in the saltColonial period. The style of the prototype Saltbox expansion of small colonies or lead developer. A small room was built on the back, adjoining the main house with a pitched roof as the need for more space. As indicated by this type of house was popular wood for structures in the colonial period to the early years of the Republic, perhaps because of the simplicity of the design so many new houses were built in the style.

Saltbox house is a colonial styleArchitecture, which refers to its origin, and usually with New England. However, historical examples of this are found in the South whose name cat out of the carriage, "which refers to the shape of the roof. Boxes of salt are considered half-timbered houses. Membership or post and beam timber includes large pieces of wood woodworking joints, mortise and tenon joints with wood or nails, hooks, or trellises. metal nails were used sparingly, because of theirEffort. Timber frame, construction of all timber-framed houses in 17:18 Century America, where the abundance of the popular wooden timber. The exterior of a Saltbox was often done with tiles or other wood. Saltbox two-story wooden house at the front and rear built with a gabled roof with asymmetrical sides in the short and long and high and low, first in the back. What is the dish in front of the house and the rear rooflineangle. The fireplace is a strong central focal point of simple but effective. To see the simplicity and strength of construction in 1650, Saltbox houses are still popular today.

The authenticity of the original style and his attention to detail, as well as 8:00 to 12:00 range just below the ceiling, a fireplace and a rear roof or sunroof cat. The simplicity of the house plan and appearance of the wood Saltbox House is a drawAttention.

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