Curiosity about Cats

All cats are born blind. The ability to see is in the first weeks after birth! Cats have rudimentary nonfunctional collar bones that they themselves squeeze through narrow passages and helps them to make their balance and stride length! Cats often have a third eyelid, which is not visible to us. If you see more often - the cat may be sick!

Cat vision is similar to humans in daylight, but they can see six times better than us in the twilight - because of the higherStudents and the ability to shed light on the back of the eye from a reflective surface of the retina collect! Field of vision in cats is one thing for a pair of binoculars that give them greater depth perception and ability to fall prey to their position more accurately assess the risk to their efforts at high speed!

sense Cats' smell is fourteen times stronger than ours - that is, they can smell the litter long before us! listen Cats' is alsovery good. They are able to hear sounds of higher pitch for us and dogs. Thirty-two individual muscles in your ears so that the exact location of a sound source!

The individual positioning of whiskers is the same for all cats - they are like fingerprints. Cats whiskers also can feel their way in the dark end of their reach and, when fully erect, is nearly equal to the width of the body of the cats' - assesses whether the cats a room or passage is too narrow for them!Whiskers are usually signs of cat behavior. Upright indicate forward-looking mustache, the cat is excited, animated. As laid back whiskers are often seen alone, the conditions for protection!

Cats have sharp teeth, which are built for killing prey by suffocation / breakage of the spine. The teeth of a cat is its greatest strength in the desert. In relation to body size, the clouded leopard has the longest canine elusive in the family Felidae, while the Jaguar has thestrong jaw - and I through the shell of the turtles in documentaries bite! Cats have more bones as we have also plugs into the queue. The next time you see a kid pulling the tail of a cat - prevents him - because it hurts. The vertebrae are also loosely connected to each other than with us, which makes them great flexibility!

The mobility of the spine is highlighted in the Cheetah - the fastest land mammals. With large adrenal glands, spinal flexibility and a rudder, Cheetahmay outperform in the African savannah! Tiger is the largest cat in the world. An adult Siberian tiger can weigh up to 800 pounds and is one of the top predators on Earth. Tigers are excellent swimmers and are in fact the only cat that increased relax in water (the Jaguar in the Americas are often in water to hunt baby alligators and anacondas) appear!

Leo is the only cat, named in groups, live proud. The only cat is social, family life lion advantage over otherCats through their cooperative hunting! Leopards are strictly confidential and are perhaps the best tree climbers and individual hunters in big cats.

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