The Truth About Cats and Stress idiopathic cystitis in cats

Are you frustrated with constant attacks of bladder infections in cats in your cat companion? Your vet diagnosed him with idiopathic cystitis in cats? Have you ever wondered if stress cat has something to do with the recurrent episodes of FLUTD? Get answers to your questions.
What is feline idiopathic cystitis?
Your cat has the symptoms of cystitis in cats. He strains to urinate, urinate but not much. The blood in his urine. He is obviously suffering from painwhen using the litter box. It may in places other than his litter box for urination.
But if the veterinarian has examined and manages a urinalysis and a urine culture, there is no sign of bladder infection. There are bacteria in the urine, bladder stones, tumors, and even an anatomical defect were excluded everyone.
feline idiopathic cystitis is diagnosed when it is obvious that it can not be a reason for urinary problems cat. It 's very hard to see your catsuffering from FLUTD symptoms when it is clear that there may be one reason for this cat urinary problems. The worst thing is that this state is becoming more common in cats over time.
Cat is the stress associated with idiopathic cystitis in cats?
Research indicates that this condition in cats is very similar to interstitial cystitis in humans. In both cats and humans, a kind of stressful event often suffer just before the cat or person to another attackCystitis.
Sometimes we do not realize how much stress our cats in the face. It can be hard to believe, but as a house cat stressful for cats. We keep them inside for their safety, but this is an unnatural environment for the cats. I like to turn them around, especially at night. The hunt for food provides a lot of exercise, which keeps them in shape.
We feed them the wrong kind of diet that is a different stress. Most dry food is mostly made from corn, whichvery high in carbohydrates. Too much wrong kind of food leads to obesity, diabetes in cats and other health problems.
Something that many cat owners do not consider is that the moisture in the dry cat food is extremely low. The cats, most of their water from food, which are mostly expected to get meat. A cat that has always fed dry food is more than likely chronically dehydrated. Even if a cat is fed dry food or drinking water, it is difficult for him to drinkenough.
The problem with a cat is dehydrated that water does not happen often enough through his body to flush toxins. His urine is not concentrated. The urine is corrosive and, if it is too concentrated, it can irritate the bladder, the bladder outlet. has also concentrated urine levels of minerals that can cause bladder stones cat, and urinary blockage in cats.
This type of stress is low, but can cause problems over time.
Your cat may prefer other typesof stress. Cats are very curious in its way, and any kind of change can be uncomfortable for them. Moving to a new home, renovation, by another person or animal in the house, a change in the weather can stress to your cat. Your cat can cause problems with other cats in the house too, especially if the animal is aggressive and others seem very bothered.
Cat Stress Reduction
It 'been shown that stress reduction in cats lessIncidence of bladder infections in cats. It 'also important to give your cat a more natural diet suitable for cats to reduce stress on his body.
You may also consider trying a natural remedy for cat bladder infection. The incidence of feline urological problems can often be met with your cat a cat UTI remedy, herbal and homeopathic remedies, cure bladder problems has been reduced.
Taking these steps to help your fur ball to solve the problem of idiopathic cystitis inCats.


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