Does your cat not using the litter box?

Many people have this problem with their cats! The truth is that there are several things that the cat is the use of their litter box. Health problems, conditions of stress and disorder are the three main causes of contamination home. Fortunately, the problem can be avoided, and usually resolved with a few simple steps.

Maybe the litter box to prevent your cat because of a medical condition. If the pain while he was inBad, your cat may avoid their litter, because they identify a bathroom area with their pain. If your cat normally uses the litter box and suddenly stops, it is important to ensure that is not part of a disease called by a veterinarian.

If your cat is avoiding her litter box because of stress, look for ways to reduce stress on your cat. Make sure you have your privacy to sleep and rest. It 'important to your catin a quiet place to escape the stress that may other cats, dogs or children.

Here are some other things you can easily avoid the cat to stress. Enter different places designated scratch at home. Toys and catnip can be a good way to reduce stress. If you have a cat indoors, instead of going outside to safety. An enclosed garden or a terrace, a nice temporary escape.

Your cat avoids litter for theiradverse conditions is a problem that is easy to solve. Remember that cats need to have your privacy in his bathroom area. Sometimes they are even more lit up a dark room for a. Make sure that there are no loud noises around her litter. A washer or dryer can be irritating and cause your cat looking for a quieter place to do business with you.

You could also try different litter boxes in the house. For example, if your house is on several floors then wager at least litter for each floor. Your cat has a lid? Try the cover or change the litter in a different type. (Of course this could also be a reason for your cat not using the litter box)

It is usually meaningless field punish your cat not to litter. Likely that your cat can not understand why they are punished, and that will worsen the problem. First, mean that your> Cat no medical condition to the vet. Then try a combination of other methods, and you should be on your way to work around the house of your cat soiling problem.

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