Tips to hide the litter box
You love your cat, but probably you're not so fond of your cat litter box, cat.
Unless you're one of those cat owners with a patient whose talent has taught a) use the bathroom (yes, you can ... you can find YouTube videos, then you'll have to deal with the litter. Fortunately There are a few ways to hide or disguise, so that guests do not even notice that you have a cat (of course if the cat comes and uses yourVisitors pants leg as a scratching post, this would be a betrayal ...).
There are several ways to hide the cat box. Of course, you can store it somewhere, people no longer, but it is also possible that a speaker has been designed to look like another piece of furniture is so people do not even notice.
First of all, if you try to store the field, if not the guests, they will hide, just think back only to out-of-the-way spot, such as laundry rooms, bathrooms, basements, ormudroom.
Please be careful with the field in a room with carpet accidents that happens from time to time (especially if you have been negligent in cleaning the window ... maybe just one point to leave a "message" to the cashier at the door), and it is easier to clean when they finished on a hard surface.
In addition to the above areas you can do what my neighbor) (we live in an apartment complex and there are many rarely used litter box to hide in a room - you believes in the closet room. If you visit, leave the closet door ajar, so that cats have easy access, and closes only when guests are coming for a few hours.
Note - If you keep the field near a main road, residential area, you want to be absolutely sure you clean every day, so no obvious odors. This is a sure sign that the cats.
Okay, now I was talking about the litter boxes that do not seem very> Litter boxes? They are my "favorite" hide the litter box.
If you do not invest in something a bit 'of money (cost much more than a litter box), then they are a great idea. You can find lots of ideas online cat litter, so just browse and see what you want.
Some of those who have caught the attention of access) as a sign on my cedar chest (with a hole in the side of a cat and a real lid on top, opens to the '; laundry room is available for the bathroom (the box is in a closet with a cat hole, and there is a table and a shelf, and even a place holder for the toilet paper on the side), and potted plants.
The box plant in the pot is my favorite. The plant is high, and the bedding is stored in the "business" of this vessel which has a circular hole again, your cat can do with it to give, but before all the guests will see is an innocent house plant .
If it is not> Litter box that your furniture to your taste, you can also custom-made pieces. Of course, every piece of custom furniture becomes expensive, but there are certainly the woodworkers out there, what kind of pieces that animals enjoy.
Simply start browsing around online, and you will be amazed at what category box in the cat's out there!
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