Cat toilet training
Cats are naturally clean creatures and do not cover their tracks, for example, buried any mess they make, and most cats prefer to do their business lay on loose granular, and it is not surprising that they quickly learn to use cat. But when their preferences and other favorite areas inside your home the problems start.
The main reasons for cats to use litter box, select is not that they reject the positionBox, or have an aversion to the box itself, its contents or even one or dissatisfaction with the depth of the litter. The litter may be placed in the wrong, maybe not quite private.
Some other reasons may be:
The contents of the window or can not be satisfactory, the cat, the smell of their contents, for example.
The litter or often can not be emptied and the litter is not cleaned often enough.
OCat has experienced pain during urination or bowel condition in the box because of a doctor.
o The cat is often disturbed, while using the box.
o The cat may be citizens of the box with punishment if often house down in the box, after the pollution elsewhere.
In case of failure, it is important to thoroughly and properly clean the soiled areas. Strong smell of home help cleaning it is not. They are designed specifically for this needThe purpose of an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate the odor or deter your dog from re-marking of the area.
In order to try litter training a few different approaches, but patience pays in the end and to improve the behavior of your cat:
o Make sure the litter is kept clean at all times, to draw at least once a day and completely renovate the litter every 4-5 days. If the box smells unpleasant for you, then you can be pretty sureE 'offensive to your cat.
or try a new box in a different place, with a different type of waste. your cat may have decided that his unpleasant litter or old is not in a position quite private, and so a different field with different content in a different position not is certainly the cat box is the same negative associations for the new.
o Make sure the litter box is not anywhere whereThe noise can disturb the cat, or in an area of the house that your cat does not frequent.
o Try to encourage your cat food after using the box, what the purpose of the cat box to limit the field of stray cats, if he tries to leave the field to beat the sand are aware of the cat, but do not try improve their claws through the sand, a natural reaction is to manipulate them, if you value yourIntentions.
Once you start to treat you in your efforts to a small or praise was due to cross, but if you tried on the other hand, if things do not go according to plan, although a small correction may be necessary to exaggerate the strong irrational and only have the opposite effect.
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