Why does my cat's litter?
You have always heard that cats are clean animals, and your cat has always used the litter box. Then to your horror, you discover a mess on the carpet, and worse, it keeps happening. What happened?
Your cat may have feline diseases, such as lower urinary tract disease or other medical conditions. Take your cat to the vet as soon as you start treatment, the problem is not with the cat litter, so you can start thatimmediately if there is a medical cause. If you notice your cat urine trouble getting the cat to the vet immediately, as this leads to death.
Another reason for the cat's litter box can not be with the position of the shot. Cats prefer privacy, a position in a noisy room is like a family room or a laundry room cat can cause the toilet to look for a different location. Watch for a litter for each floorfrom home, and if a cat is a room with a door that could be accidentally closed the door have at least one litter box in a different location in case of get.
Change the cat litter products may not cause the litter. Throw the cat can not approve the new brand that you tried. Or it may prefer a cat litter box without using your online or on a ship if you were notone.
The litter can be a problem. Your cat can easily inside and outside the litter box? Many cats, like the large, open litter, even if the search for owners whose versions even more attractive. big cat in a box which he can not leave enough for a place to maneveur. automatic litter boxes can scare the cats, if the litter to sift through what to do about the litter in the catFuture.
You are digging every day? Some cats will use a dirty litter to protest their refusal. And, you must completely change the litter every two weeks, even if you use it as a ball is an after-litter odors week of use.
How many litter boxes do you have? You must have at least one more for each cat e. Located in different places, so that your cat is more likely a case ofNearby when the urge strikes. Even more boxes can help you if you forget at times, draw every day.
Stress and anxiety can also cause cats to the litter. Bringing a new cat home or a new family member can be stressful for your cat. Your cat locked in the house, while the other is outside, can cause window to start your cat spraying to mark his district. Anti-anxiety medications can sometimesSuccess to relieve stress and changing the cat litter cat behavior. Or a cat castration was able to obtain a behavior injections stopped.
There are many reasons for not using the cat litter. With a little detective work, you should be able to identify the cause and help your cat litter box When to use again.
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