How to Make Your Cat's Life, and your life happier - training your cat
Imagine that your cat scratching your assessment of new furniture, and Kitty is sitting staring. Suddenly you realize how stupid and how is your pointless bitching. Precisely how to train your cat to respect your home?
All cats can be trained and have an education of their owners. You need to train their cat litter to use your sharpening the scratching post instead of your sofa, and negative behavior to stop their claws when you say "No". Cats can also learn tricks and mental stimulation of learning is not good for them.
Cats learning to learn the same way dogs and people repeat behaviors that have a pleasing result. The best way to train your cat is their reward when they do something correctly. The reward could be a small piece of a particular food, or praise, you're in a happy voice.
Training to change negative behaviors is necessary that the catchCat> "in place". For example, if your cat will use the speakers as a scratching post, stereo wait until it is material to put into early-mouth, then firmly say "no." When she stops and turns against you, go to the happy voice and praise. Move towards her to distract them away from the object inappropriate. If you make a movement towards you praise even more. Time and repetition are the keys to success. You need to take them as they moved to act inappropriately,and praise the exact moment it stops.
things to remember when your cat scratches the furniture
* Do you understand your cat needs scratching.
* Forget punishment - it does not work.
* Enter the appropriate place for your cat to scratch that as a cat tree
* Make the scratching post attractive to Kitty
* The place she is scratching unattractive - physical or scent related deterrents workplace
* If possible, startYoung cats.
* You should cut 'your cat's claws.
Training simple tricks can be incorporated into game time per day. Always keep a cat in a bag covered during training. To teach your cat to shake "hands" said starting with "Shake," then touches his hand on the bottom of one of its forelegs. Appreciation for permission to touch him, and give her a gift. Repeat this over and over again. Finally, you can lay your hand on the ground onlybefore their leg. Say "wait Shake" and. If you also motivated by the paw towards you praise and give her a party. Gradually start every time he touched her hand with his paw, can have its own treatment. Once they like to touch your hand, you can raise your hand from the ground a bit 'at a time. Keep training fun. Stop the session before she loses interest, and always end on a positive note with a reward.
You can use the sameAt-a-time-step technique for teaching a child, your cat walk on a leash. This allows you to take your cat outside for fresh air and sensory stimulation, and not worry about running. Buy a belt from a cat supply store for pets. Before we try to put it on your cat, let alone lying on the bed for a day or two. When I see again and smell, used to set loose his will shortly before regular meals. Hand-feed for their fooddistract them from wearing the belt and make it a pleasant experience. Remove when the food is gone. After a few days, you can leave the harness worn around the house. Let us draw the line behind, but be careful to ensure that does not get tangled around furniture. If she seems happy with the harness and leash, pick up the end and go with her, left the road. Eventually, she liked to walk beside you, and be open to risk.
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