Show you Care - Neuter Your Cat
The hordes of homeless and feral cats everywhere are growing by leaps and bounds, and finally to awaken people to start the need to neuter their cats.
Because cats can reproduce several times a year, and kittens mature quickly, just two feral cats (the natural offspring of domestic cats) can quickly to 2,000. The statistics are staggering feline reproduction. Two uncontrolled breeding cats produce 2 litters per year, with a survival rateRate of 2.8 pups per litter. Continue playing in the first year, 66 cats in the second year, 2201 cats in the third year to produce 12 cats, cats in the fourth year, 3822, 12 680 cats in the fifth year, and so on. . .
Altering the spread of the disease Cats
Many of these wild cats are actually unaltered pet cats (or their descendants) who were the owners who care could not be released to them. A colony of feral cats diseases in domestic dogs and cats in the spreadArea.
Although these cats are pretty healthy in general are infested with fleas. hungry cats RAID garbage cans, and playful kitten destroying shrubs and soil heating.
Noise Cats In Heat
In the case of cats in heat, the colony can keep neighbors awake all night with their fighting and howling
castration castration cats and offers several important advantages, as well as reducing the number of unwanted cats. If you are a non-castratedCat in the house, the sound of her mewling pitifully at the door will soon be connected to the howling and screeching every male in outdoor and internal neighborhood.Both running cat trying to mark everything in sight with its scented sprays.
reproductive cancers in cats the same state
Some cancers are more common in natural stone. These tumors of the reproductive organs are very rare in cats, before one year ago changed. Cats may also naturalDevelopment of a number of diseases, reproduction are contagious.
To help make all Cat Cat Wanted
Kittens can be changed at a very young age. Some human society systematically alter kittens 8 weeks. While some veterinarians believe it is better to wait until the kittens are 5 or 6 months, which often simply not an option. Certainly for feral cats that are caught for the change, returning to their colonies, or those who have passed a house with other actions unchangedCats, sterilization in the shortest possible time is crucial.
Most cats heal well and without incident after castration. However, a cat infection in the incision. Check your cat daily to ensure that the area was not turning red and swollen. If you notice your cat to lick or chew points, your veterinarian may recommend a surgical collar to keep the discussions are not in the hands of the incision is healed. While male cats can be active and bouncy withoutwounded after castration, cats should be kept indoors for several days after the operation.
Feline "Zero Population Growth
Unless you're a cat breeder of your cat almost certainly the best solution would be castrato. The typical cost of neutering a cat is about $ 125 for a female and $ 65 for a boy. If the cost should be paid too much for you, many communities have special funds for the sterilization of cats. can give your veterinarian or human societyLearn more.
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