Potential MLM - were you taught to refute objections?

I have no time
I have no money
This sounds like one of those pyramid things
I need to talk to my wife

These are all common "objections" that some MLM trainers will teach you how to deal with. But think awesome coach Mark Januszewski with objections is to do a lot of nonsense! Why?

Proper targeting of virtual exploration "waste free"
You will need to understand versus

How to make the rejection free prospecting SunThere were no objections be addressed? You only need to present your product or opportunity to those who agree to listen! Examples:

You hear someone talking can help a problem. They ask: "Would you do anything?"
"I want to tell a story. It takes about 2 minutes. You could make a lot of money, or not. Do not you hear?"
Call an old friend and say: "I am really challenge to see if you are a point of viewfor my business. (Laughs) I hate these calls you get as much as you hate, but would be fine if I have 90 seconds of your time, took to explain what I do? "

Once someone has decided to hear what you have, at least know that there is some interest. This reflects a number of objections. If you're concerned, you should understand the difference between needs and desires.

If you ask most people "Do you ever need something you do not want?" usuallySaying "no" because he needs to think in terms of food, clothing, shelter and money. But think: If you need to clean your teeth? (It 's a good idea!) But do you want? You need to get your car inspected? Would you? What is cleaning toilets, digging with the litter, or under garbage? I think now the idea!

No matter how you think someone needs your product, service or business opportunity, they can notwant. Some people like to complain and complain about their situation, but they do not really want to do something! Some people prefer to accept the mediocrity of their lives working to improve things. Even if you buy the product to these people probably would not have to organize new ones. If you get their support your company, would probably never work on it.

If someone does not want what you offer. Do not miss MOVE ON. Your time orthem!

One thing more: a call for more information or time to think, not always an objection. If someone is willing to listen to your story and then asks for more information or to time it could only "green" (cost) figures. Give them more information and tell them all the time they need. So let it be remembered with a question:

"If you do not take any steps to change your situation?"

If you really want to change their lives,pass. And if they do not want change, Do not Fight It!

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