Meaning of Girl Kitten Names

What's in a name? What would be your cat's name be? No matter how many databases have lists of boy and girl kitten names, finding one for your little kitty is a bit exciting!

Finding a name for your girl kitten is one of the first things a cat owner would do. Some may feel somewhat daunting, while others are just able to enjoy it.

Many female kitten names refer to the cat's color and breed. For black girl kittens, you could give Ebony, Shadow, Charcoal, and Dawn. In contrast, Snow or Snowball can be a purrfect one.

How To Collect?

One option is to have a list of girl kitten names as many as you could. You can find it on websites and kitten books.

A second option is to let friends suggest their favorite cat names and ask them the reasons for choosing it.

Third is to research! you cn make your own kitten names by combining 2 names, or from your favorite artists.

You can choose to names for a kitten based on the meanings. Here are some female kitten names with their respective significance.

Dawn- means "dawn".
Cara- an Italian word for "beloved".
Mia- an Italian word for "my".
Raimunda- a Spanish word meaning wise defender.
Dorcas Meadowes- from the Calico cat in Harry Potter's Order of the Phoenix-
Lucyfurr- tagged being funny and unusual
Milky- usually given in white-furred kittens
Eartha- A German name for "earth".
Africa- can be given in males, which means agreeable.
Amor- a Spanish name meaning "love"
Ash- meaning Ash tree
Barbie- means a "traveler from a foreign land"

Remember, choosing a name for your kitten doesn't just speak only for your little feline friend but it also says a lot about you. It gives you the chance to express yourself and show just how creative you are. Also, getting your cat a name is a decision you will have to live for a long time. So choose wisely and comfortably.

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