Evolution & domestication of the cat
Cat evolution has long been ... most people on Earth have been. And when people finally showed up, let the cat on the Law
Noah is the great flood had cats on the ark built for, but they were the ancestors of what we know as the domestic cat is the world today? It can be confusing to think that everything in the world, everything is there ever in the light of such evidence to the contrary, ie fossil discoveries. Ithe story of Noah is to convey a sense of greater importance than a list of re-seeding of life after a particularly heavy rain. A scholar of the usual flood sometime in the second and third millennium BC, and some 4 to 5,000 years ago. This was about the time, the Egyptians were the first domesticated cats. They are on board? And how do you feel secure rats and mice? The cats were the guardians of food shops in the ark, which was hanging on to dry land eachwas again under your feet? And how did the Koala, around the ship, when the Australian continent are limited? Really, the best thing to do is, 5000 years, a lot of questions raise.
The great equalizer in the whole discussion is the time. Time changes everything, including a species diameter. As people spread around the world, their skin color changed eating habits can be adapted to new environments, clashes occurred with the other in the migration of valuable land, brought to life on the cheapresources support, which is plenty of prey for hunters and gatherers, then the animals and the food / cereal domesticated plants for food.
Survival is unforgiving of failure. Both survived ... or not. This is an identifier of "life" which yearns to survive. Another feature is that the survival of individual members of a species that can not or do so only for a limited time. A life as we call it. Only the major groups or classifications of rocks, trees and otherOrganisms able to survive any kind, including for an indefinite period, if it happened.
fossil record of evolution of the cat is very incomplete. There is evidence, tracing the cat at about 200 million years, with the evolution from cat when they departed from reptiles. From that point, scientists have divided the groups into two cat family. Cat cat, cat covers all types of modern and saber-toothedCats, which are all extinct. Cats 'Family Felidae' or cat is collected into three kinds:
Panthera - lions and tigers and ... Panther, or cats that roar.
Felis - Lynx, Ocelot, your Fluffy and other small cats.
Acinonyx - or the cheetah. If you are in a group of them because they do not withdraw their claws like other cats.
Evolution was originally divided into groups patterns cat cats two main categories: Big Cats and kittens. The award was based on the sizeand the shape of their skulls. But, it was discovered that the division is not valid unless studies have shown, finally, a gradual transition from the characteristics of the skull from the smallest to the largest cats. There was virtually no separate award criteria.
Recently, studies of evolution of the insights of the cat's DNA, such as migration from Asia to North America via the Bering Sea land bridge that appeared at about 9 million years. These predators such as panthers had initiallywas exposed appeared in Asia more than 2,000,000 years before the land bridge falling sea level. Cats are allowed, in addition to humans, hunters more successful. They had followed the migration of birds of prey and simply survive the challenges of large roaming areas, such as exploring new environments. (Think kitty snoop around a bush unexplored, or strange new object, or inside or outside its territory) Later, some American lines of the newly developed cat went over the bridge in Asiaand with each migration, evolutionary forces transformed these cats into a rainbow of species of leopards, lions and lynx, ocelot and domestic cat today. Where were the people at that time? Well, where to find any ... yet. Anatomically modern humans developed exclusively in Africa, 100000-200000 years ago, according to most experts, with deductions on the mitochondrial DNA data. Obviously, the evolution of the long history of cat existing in thisWorld.
E 'was stopped about 10,000 years ago as humans, hunting and gathering and began farming the land, that the relationship between humans and cats began seeds. Until then, spare most of the cats in the world, but settled in the Arctic, Antarctica, Australia and regions of the inhospitable tundra. As the first modern humans emigrated from Africa to Europe and Central Asia, it was impossible for man and the cat do not cross paths too. But it's when people began to cultivatethat some types of dogs and humans dependent relationship began to have a collaboration, creating an interesting, if not turn fatal evolution in cat.
From the beginning, farmers have found a new concept that the storage of food, especially grain storage has been an attraction for small rodents such as rats and mice. Archaeological evidence supports this storage as a preponderance of skeletal remains found in rodent storage relics were buried. One can easily assume that hissmaller cats have followed their prey to farms and probably could not resist the banquet given concentration of mice and rats this silo soon. People with an intelligent being would have the antipathy may have noticed that the rodents and cats had (have) for the other. A first farmers may face a litter of kittens and take them home to try to keep them in order to protect his hard work in the fields.
Most likely it would take the kittens first young peoplemost of their wild nature and maintained a distance of "security" from their human benefactors. But, as generations of kittens kitten has had more contact with people, especially one run by the people as if they were grown are tolerant and open to the people, interactions cats, maybe even sleeping in their homes. Speculate in this way could begin early domestication. Two types of cats were more able to adapt to this new relationship, and Felis silvestrisFelis lybica. Silvestris is suitable for the European environment and climate during lybica preferably in the Middle East.
The ancient Egyptians had many gods and these gods were attributed to the characteristics of animals. Egypt was the supreme god of the sun god Ra, symbolized by a lion. Ra was said that the world throughout the day by a brilliant ride the chariot of the sun from morning to night sky rule. On the night he fell into the darkness where he was vulnerable to his enemies. But with theQuality of a lion who had a vision of a cat to protect themselves could see the dark better. Cat goddess Bast was known fertility, birth and family, who was also symbolized as a well. It did not escape from the Egyptians, how strong the maternal instinct in cats, care for their pets. The cats were buried with the pharaohs were granted, and even their cemeteries for the common people, the cats in their care.
It 'been following the rise of the RomanEmpire, that cats make their way to Europe as a pet. Cats also lost their status as 'god' and assumed the role more practical, a "pet". Until then, the mouse-human triangle cat was fairly well defined, and how to cultivate people wandered the world as they went, the cat and mouse went directly to them. Cats traveled the spice routes to Asia and America in the seas. Wherever they went, the cats have established populations not onlyInter-breeding among their peers, but with selection methods with native species, they met on the street. The result is an abundance of hair color, hair length and coat pattern to identify the cats today.
The effects of domestication Cat evolution can be summarized as follows:
Tendering period (before 7000 BC), characterized by wild cats in competition with humans for hunting and gathering for birds and small mammals.
Commensalism period (7000-4000 BC)characterized by "semi-domestic" cats eat insects and villages around soon.
Early period of domestication (4000-3000 BC) to imprisonment for cats to cult status
Period of full domestication (3000 BC - present) of the cat to keep the disclosure and dissemination of cats from Egypt *
The close cooperation that cats and humans began to develop their cultures started and we could be thought of as a human hunter-gatherers continued our travelschance encounter. Our ancestors would soon agriculture to solve many problems for the solutions that we now take for granted. But the cat did not forget their contribution to our success and this could also make the nature of their seemingly proud. After all, is to network everything in this world, surpassed only by the arrogance of such a human idea, believing in our intellectual superiority, then dismissed only perpetuates the belief in ourDisconnection from nature. Fortunately, humans are capable only of grunting like that. Cats have never forgotten their own roots. Deep roots in the evolution of cat domestication and time.
There are times I find myself, like many others I suspect, lost in the loneliness that imply recognition of the independence of being, or the distance that seems to be in this life between us. E 'then surprised that I only watch the sky, that the gapbetween me and the furnaces of hell, the stars. Even then, long distance, the bin time is measured that the light travels in one year, I find comfort in knowing that we are all in a single fabric, which expires light produced by the factories. We are so connected to each other ... but it is taken for granted, blind, as we live each day fill our activities follow. Going back to that place, my cat is on my lap and I stroked her back while she quietly acceptedaffection. It does not take much to reverse roles and put in place, including the back by a coup, enjoy it. And with a little 'fantasy, I can sense traces the path of evolution in my cat.
* Thanks to Feline Advisory Bureau - Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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