Throw the purrr-fect Cat Party

Since the days of ancient Egypt, the cat has the side effect is in humans. In fact, more people are parties to celebrate milestones in the life of his friend the cat. In such a party, fresh fish and milk should certainly be served to the guests of honor. But what to serve guests human? How about a cat in a menu?

Of course, the menu cat is not actually served all cats. Instead, use terms with a cat theme name. To drink, serveYour guests Kitty Cola. maintain it as an aperitif, goldfish crackers, the theme is purring along. For the main course is served with fresh grilled tuna. At the end of your cat or buy a cat create instant cake. With the popularity of cartoon characters such as Sylvester and Heathcliff, this is a project and was quite popular in many bakeries, specialty bakery available.

When cooking for your cat-friendly tuna steaks, some tips will help youDelicacy of the sea moist, tender and tasty. Marinate the steaks the first time in a shallow 9 x 13 inch glass dish. Add 1 cup of soy sauce, ½ cup lemon juice, 2 cloves garlic, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, add salt and pepper. Marinate the steaks for 30 minutes before grilling. to prevent sticking straight before putting the steaks on hot grill, oil the grates with olive oil. Grill steaks for no more than 4 minutes per side for 1-inch tunaSteaks.

With the popularity of the cat, it's no wonder more and more people want to celebrate with her cats picky. A cat in the menu at your next party to help everyone feel involved, cats and humans alike.

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