The joy of the cat as a pet

In this article, write to the joys of having a cat as a pet. It took a long time to convince my wife to have the cat was, but now we have three. I would recommend other people to give a cat at home, since they are all smooth, and add more value and attention to budget.

Looking back, I'm not sure why I am against a cat as a pet-way. It was not for financial reasons for buying thecat food because they are not exactly expensive. I think I thought it would spoil some of the furniture or even pooh and pee on the floor. This is not the case and have been thinking about it, I was pretty stupid, as you no doubt agree.

This is the daily routine of our three cats. You wake up in the dining room, which now is basically the cat room. They are then sent and eat their breakfast. In the dining room or cat litter boxes, we have set for them, but it is veryrarely use it. The cats then go out for a while 'is a bit' as late as possible usually seen sunbathing in her garden, which is, of course, weather permitting.

At noon and then watch the cats food for lunch, even the cats. I often wonder how not to get bored eating the same food, day after day. They will then sleep somewhere around the house for a couple of hours before being let out to do business.

On17:00 about have something to eat more and then decide to have a little 'more sociable. They would then usually the family entered the main lounge and curl up to sleep some more, 'Somebody's usually around. Each cat is pretty funny as it seems to sleep on a favorite member of the family whose bosom you prefer to sit e. Both my children really love our cats, especially during evening hours.

The three cats wonder then again at 10 pm, before coming toThen, back in about an hour.

What is life for if they are able to ask again on this planet cat die, I want the playlist.

The cats were really no problem at all, and we intend to allow children of our two cats are very precisely because of their attention to Christmas.

For the record, if any of you out there interested in our current cats are named Tom, Ben and Pip. They are all very well together and very rarely. Fight

Maybe I'm just lucky, but if the subject of cats with my family and friends, they all tell similar stories to me.

Now I have decided to have a dog. Her name is Cassie and although it requires much more attention to the road salt, has been a dream. In my opinion, but you can not just cat and their lifestyle.


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