How to teach your cat litter - Secrets of success using the litter tray

Even the most dedicated cat lover has little patience with a cat that does not use their litter box. But patience is the key to creating litter box success. A positive introduction when young and easy financial management on your part will solve most problems .

Most cats instinctively use the litter box. However, if you see kittens sniffing or squatting in a corner of your lift and place a litter box - this is a sign of an approachingUrination. If your kitten is not using the litter should be put in every morning.

It 'important to your cat, easy access to litter. If you have a large house of litter bins placed in more than one place. If your house has many levels, make sure that each plan has a litter. As in real estate, location is crucial to your success with the cat litter. The best place to offer yourCat some privacy, but not so out of the way you forgot to clean. Some people put the litter box in a closet rarely used. Make sure, however, with a hard rubber stop-to-door to hold the door or install a pet, so your cat can come and go whenever he wants.

If you need time to move a litter box of a move you just a few meters. If the cat is probably the most you need to move away.

If your catnot used her litter study the situation carefully for the cause (s) why.

Some cats to avoid "dirty litter box." Scoop from manure and wet bedding every day. Drain completely and replace the litter at least once a week. Do not be too generous with the litter, most cats prefer a surface layer of about two centimeters.

If you have more than one cat, you need more than a litter box. Cats are very special and not the removal"Litter box use." The general rule is one litter box per cat.

Location, location, or sudden lack of privacy to scare the position may sound a cat with a litter box. Try a different location.

Do not punish your cat for an accident. This is not the connection, if its catch in the act. Even then, punishment only creates fear of you, not the desire to change behavior. Use a detergent enzymeTo remove the smell of an accident. This will prevent contamination in the future at this point as the smell of cat urine suggests its OK to go.

If you realize that accidents occur in the same place again, try to have a litter. Perhaps your cat prefers this point, for reasons you never know. In case of accidents, often if your cat has free run of the house or while you're gone, still limited to one room untilobserve. Make sure that the water supply food, litter and that all important within which the space inside If your cat uses the litter box successfully for several years, then begins to have an accident potential, you need your veterinarian to evaluate the his urinary tract infection or kidney.

Thanks To : MP3 Player sciencemagazine

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