If a cat scratch leather furniture?

If you're wondering the skin of a cat scratch furniture so you have room on the right. Cats are probably the nail on the leather furniture is the answer soon. The long answer is that with a bit 'of your time, you can teach to their training. I was stubborn cats torn with no furniture, but is training and I feel for you. Here are some tips to get started.

It is the smell - if everyone has a piece of furniture is that you all smellthen your cat is likely to be curious to look at this. Because in order to ensure that their environment is safe and the best way is by marking his territory in his voice. The skin is especially bad for them. What people are very successful with some white vinegar mixed with water and the same application that the leather, the cat out of the house to stay with it.

Get it a scratching post - If you do not have one already, this isa must for cats that scratch furniture. What is a 1 meter tall pole that your cat can scratch his heart is on. Why not try a playground near his toys around him feel so at ease with his presence.

Has anything changed recently - I read that the cat as a stable environment. Something has changed a lot in our house or the cat's life recently. This is what can lead to a cat scratch if the newFurniture. Maybe a cat moves into the new, re-decoration of the room or moving furniture around. Try to keep the house stable for a week or something until the beginning of leather furniture.

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