Why a cat urine everywhere

Find your cat urinating on your bed? Or, see your cat urinating on the carpet? It is a common problem when increasing the cat's face a. This article explains some factors, the cat may urinate outside the litter box.

Here are some factors that can pee wherever Cat:

a. medical problem

There are some diseases, the disease can your cat does not urinate normally as liver,inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes mellitus, colitis, bacterial infections, stones, trauma, cancer, kidney disease, hypocalcemia, pyometra, diseases of the adrenal gland, etc.

There's nothing you can do what, when possible, if not under your cat to the vet as soon as the disease can be explained cat will kill you.

b. Box Location Problem

Watch carefully where the litter box. There are several reasons why cats do not use this field:

* The box isEven close to their food and water.
* The box is at the point where they have no privacy.
* The field is set too high, so that he can not reach.
* Set the box to the place where cats can ambush by another.
* The box is dirty (for more information is a very clean cat creature).

c. Stress

Stress can suddenly your cat out of the change in behavior. There are several factors that can stress your cat:

* Please submit a newPet.
* You have a new host.
* Or, if you move to another house.

Thank you for reading my article on the bad cat behavior problem. See you at my next article.

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