Prevent cat bladder stones

Cat bladder stones or urinary stones are like collections of minerals in rock or your cat's urinary bladder. They can irritate 's your cat bladder and cause bleeding. It can also lead to a complete blockage of urine flow to your cat. If left untreated, bladder stones can be fatal to your cat.

A cat's bladder stone is an infection usually caused by poor diet o. Both problems can easily be prevented at home. While there is nohome treatment for dissolving gallstones is possible to avoid habits that are repeated to make some changes in lifestyle and your cat.

Before resorting to these preventive treatments for cats bladder stones, but make sure your cat gets prompt treatment are made ​​by a veterinarian. Even going 2-3 days without urinating will burst the bubble, and the cat could kill him.

Symptoms include a cat bladder stones and blood in urineEffort to urinate. The veterinarian is the diagnosis, making X-rays. The stones will be dissolved or removed, or surgery, manipulation, or a special diet.

To prevent the formation of bladder stones cat, if your veterinarian on the composition of chemical analysis of the stones from them. In this way you can your veterinarian if a special diet can help prevent it.

For example, many pieces of magnesium. The obvious step you can make your Dog food, the poor in magnesium. If bacterial infection causes the formation of bladder stones cat, enter the natural food for your cats.

Food, urine high in carbohydrates and minerals may have an s changes the pH of your cat. When the pH of your cat urine is not balanced, it can help to grow the bacteria, the formation of stones. Therefore, it is important for your natural food for cats, the protein is high.

Most commercialCat food is cereal, because grains are cheap. However, your cat will pay the price. Besides giving your body healthy cat food, give her fresh water and filtered. The water prevents the thickening of urine so that makes it harder for bacteria to grow and calculus formation.

cat bladder stones can also homeopathic medicines can be prevented by administering regular A. Homeopathy is completely safe and without side effects. Are you looking for a commonprepared formula contains ingredients such as bearberry, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis.

Uva Ursi is a known urinary tonic, helping to maintain normal pH levels in the urinary tract. Berberis vulgaris has a potentiating effect on the bladder and urinary tract, and Cantharis maintains a healthy flow of urine and soothe the bladder.

To prevent bladder stones cat, follow these simple tips. This simple change in lifestyle, your cat will not haveunnecessary suffering and will save you a lot of medical expenses.

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