Product Review: 120 CatGenie Self-Washing Self Flushing Litter

You can have double the 120 CatGenie Self-Washing Litter self-discharge toilet, before you know once it's actually one of the automatic litter boxes and not a real one. If your cat is not taught as a bowl for human consumption, this product is the best thing to do. It 'the only car-wash, rinse, also litter the market, and you never crowding the box to clean bad again.

Measurements of120 CatGenie Self-Flushing washing cat box is 25.8 x 22.4 x 13.8 cm and weighs 40 pounds. This product is not recommended for cats less than six months old or very young cats.

This item includes:
• Only self-cleaning, self-washing cat box
• washable granules instead of litter
• close the output window, the cold water and drain
• SaniSolution cartridge, and purified is recycled and refurbishedbiodegradable (containing a cartridge included)
• genie hand scoops of solid waste and clean box and granules
• Hot air blower drying box and granules
• Self-timer on or a cat

• It should not smell, touch, or buy cat litter again
• SaniSolution is environmentally friendly
• Can be activated cat
• Do not block
• Very rare is left to sedimentbehind
• Make some noise

Get the 120 CatGenie Self-Flushing washing cat box, ever, touch, smell, litter or shopping. More litter bins do not hold a candle to the CatGenie 120, the only self-cleaning and self-tank available. It features washable granules that you have to change everything and never SaniSolution Cartridge) lasts for 120 washes (240 activation mode when set to wash cat.

Attach theBox up to a cold water outlet and plug into the socket. When Kitty goes to the toilet, drain the liquid through the feed pellets of the box. The solid waste is dug by hand and genius is converted to liquid. Clean water fills the basin and the granules and the field are separated by the hand of genius. Kitty-friendly SaniSolution provides decontamination, and dirty water and waste is washed away. The box and granules are then dried by a hot air blower.

You can trainkitty activation of cleaning, or use the timer for the litter. Throwing money saved to buy cat ever. If you add in the fact that clean the cat will never be, you'll wonder why you waited so long to get first place in a litter box automatically.

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