Cat not in cat toilet - If your cat litter?

A litter box is probably not the main reason why cat owners give up. It 'frustrating and boring to find your cat peeing everywhere at home. Fortunately, many people are already in your shoes before, so there are many answers to this problem.

These are the four most important reasons for a cat not using his box.

- Urinary tract infection.

Have you noticed any change in the behavior of your cat? If so, you can manageurinary tract infection, and this is why your cat is not using litter box.

Immediately take your cat to the vet and make sure there is a sound problem. Vet will be trained to treat a urinary tract infection.

- The box is a high traffic aloud or restricted zone.

Is your cat toilet in a noisy environment and the area occupied? If the answer is Yes, this is why your cat is not litter. Moving the form with the strong boxTransport and space in a quiet room, you can easily solve the problem. Cats need their privacy to do business.

It is possible that your machine cat was frightened by a strong washing and can be nationals of fear with the litter itself (and not in the room and start) should be avoided. Since cats anxiety leave a scent when frightened, fragrance, this field may be why your cat is not with the projection.

To resolve this issue thoroughly cleanedbathroom cabinet with soap and water. You can also type some ammonia cleaner (should be at home, have yours), so that your cat will attract more use. This will also prevent your cat not using the cat box.

- Box The cause of pain.

This can happen very often, if your cat needs an operation to recover. Your cat may associate the pain with the litter - and you avoid prevent further pain.This happens especially with cats declawed recently, because the recovery is so long and painful. Rarely, it can happen, a cat was castrated with, is that - but the rule of cats will recover very quickly into sterilized.

Once your cat to associate the pain with the litter box is there to do almost anything. It is advisable to buy a new litter.

But if you know in advance the time, your cat will have surgery, get a new box only for use duringrecovery phase. To save money, you can also use a large Tupperware container.

- Litterbox odor.

Cats are very clean animals and have a dirty litter box clean, you use that has not been for three weeks you want to use as a toilet was on, that in three weeks - especially in front of the field with their litter.

Make sure that undermine an entire day and lumps of details once a week. (Or every twoWeeks aggregate litter). This will not stop your cat with the litter.

If you still smell the litter, you may need to clean it with something that your cat has smelly spoiled.

Make sure not to use harsh chemicals like bleach or comet to clean litter. Plain or detergent diluted with water work well. Definitely avoid anything with a scent of citrus, because most cats despise the smell ofCitrus.

Another reason not to use harsh chemicals, such as cats can smell her family in the box like that. The scent reminds them it is safer, more comfortable place to do their business.

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