Large Domestic Cat Breeds

Cats are probably the most popular pets today. Originally hunt for their ability of different inbred house pests like rats and cockroaches evaluated, cats offer a warm and loving company of their owners. In 1987, dogs and cats as the number one in America PET (about 50 million cats in 1986 lived obsolete in 24 million households) and attack 37% of American households now have at least one cat. Domestication of cats were convinced create in Egyptabout 3000 BC, where cats, also venerated as sacred animals. various breeds of domestic cats in different sizes. Some pet owners prefer small kitten, while some prefer larger breeds of domestic cats.

When cats home choice, you must look to the properties of the races', in addition to its size. Some of the domestic cat breeds that are popular with large CAT lovers.

Maine Coon

MaineCoon is a native state of Maine, United States, where there is also the official state cat. This is one of the larger breeds of domestic cats, a place where males weigh 13-18 pounds (5.9 and 8.2 kg) can, on average, and women 12.8 pounds (3.6 and 5.4 kg). In 2006, Guinness World Records named a male Maine Coon breed, the "longest" Cat. It measured 48 inches (120 cm) in length, from tip of nose to tip of tail, and weighs 35Pounds (16 kg).

The Ragamuffin

The Ragamuffin is a long-haired cat. Scruffy enough big cats - females weigh between 10-15 pounds (4.54 to 6.80 kg) and males weigh between 15-20 pounds (6.80 to 9, 07 kg). Beggars are notable for their sweet, friendly personalities and plush, like rabbit fur. Already four months, but do not reach full maturity that could be taken about four years. This Ragamuffinexpensive race, and costs range from $ 900 - $ 1,200 per kitten.

The Ocicat

The Ocicat is a breed of all domestic cats, the cat is like a "wild", but no wild blood. It is named for the cat for its resemblance to the ocelot, a wild thing. Ocicat breed is very outgoing. They are often called "the spirit of a dog in a cat body. Most of them can be easily trained to fetch, walk on a leash and harness come when called to speak to,sit and lie down on command. The Ocicat average weigh about 12.1 pounds or 5.5 kilograms.

The Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is a large semi-longhaired cat with a swimmers body. The cat is moderately long and the hind legs are slightly longer than its forelegs. The coat is the most surprising thing about this cat. The semi-long hair, single coat is waterproof, thick during the winter, but very soft as rabbit fur or cashmere. During thespring and summer months, while it is hot, long hair on the body for a shorter hair, feeling the reserves Kashmir shed. Vans Male grow to about 16 pounds (7.3 kg), while females tend to be a bit 'easier, from 12 to 14 pounds (5.4 to 6.4 kg). Trucks, which are famous for their fine fur, hypoallergenic cats. They are regarded as excellent pets for allergy sufferers.


Pixie-Bob breed is a completely domestic cat bred to look likeBobcat North America. Pixie-Bob is a breed of large to reach people with 18 pounds (8 kg) and females reach £ 14 (6 kg). The body of the Pixie-Bob is stocky and sturdy. Pixie-Bob Polydactyl are also the only race), recognized by International Cat Association (TICA. These cats everywhere by six to seven toes on each foot.

This big cat breed house cat are just a few of those for PET. It 'important to acknowledgethe qualities of cat breed before deciding to adopt, as it would have a significant impact as we take care of them. To find out how it could help make things go much easier for us as pet owners in our efforts to increase our pets.

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