Firefly Bug

The winged beetle known as the firefly or lightning bug is one of the species being studied by the military for its ability to glow in the dark called bioluminescence. This ability may enable the military to create biodegradable landing markers, "friend or foe'"markers, security systems and weapon and supply tracking.

It is found in temperate and tropical environments. It prefers marshes and wet woodlands where food is abundant. Its larvae which also emit light are known as glowworms.

The firefly creates a light from 510 to 670 nanometers with no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies. The light in the lower abdomen can be yellow, green or pale red. The light was first described by the philosopher, Anaximenes, from Greece around 500 B. C. He practiced material monism believing all the world's objects are made of a single element.

It is a soft bodied, brown bug. It will hibernate in the winter and start appearing in the spring. Some feed on slugs and snails while others feed on plant pollen or nectar.

The light occurring in the lower abdomen is a chemical process involving the enzyme luciferase, magnesium ions, ATP and oxygen. It is a warning sign to predators since the bug is distasteful and toxic. It is also used in the selection of a mate. Some females mimic the flashing of a male to attract it and then eat it. Many groups of fireflies will synchronize their flashing as a social interaction.

The light does not produce heat making it undetectable from heat seeking devices. It is equivalent to the light produced by television remote controls. It has been used for centuries in battles to provide light. In World War II, soldiers would rub their wet hands with dried remains to aid in reading maps and compasses.

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