Iriomote cat

The Iriomote cat lives only beautiful Iriomote island in Japan, is located about 200 miles off the coast of Taiwan. It is thousands of years has lived on this small island (less than 300 square kilometers) and has evolved to meet the housing and the environment of this special place. Because of the similarities in appearance, for some time as a subspecies of the Leopard Cat Iriomote Cat. Recent discoveries, however, was that theIriomote cat from cat leopard in a few million years of evolution separate. A small wild cat weighs, the Iriomote cat about 12 pounds and is about half to two meters in length (without tail). Males are slightly larger.

The fur is brown with a series of dark brown spots, stripes that run together to grow the entire length of the body. The legs are short compared to the size of the body and the tail is bushy. The toes are slightly webbed claws and a total lackCoat helps the cat chases the water in their prey. The ears are short and rounded indicating that the Iriomote cat is mainly built in eye movement and hunting.

A variety of prey is taken from the Iriomote Cat. Its small size allows you to quickly in the undergrowth and successful hunt small mammals, birds, insects and fish. It is a solitary and territorial cat often features its territory (larger in males) and is mainlynight, especially in summer. Mating season is twice a year and a pregnancy lasts two months after the birth of a litter of 1-4 pups.

Iriomote cat Prionailurus iriomotensis is threatened with extinction. Less than one hundred remain in the wild. They also seem to be breeding with wild cats, with resulting dilution of their genetic heritage. Despite the conservation of their territory of the island, often stray cats in the reserve area andare often hunted by humans.

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